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网赌平台 Academic Catalog

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在学士学位课程的课程提供了一个坚实的基础 并向学生介绍跨学科的广度 environmental science 通过一系列涉及地理、物理、社会的核心课程 and living environments.

  • 高级职员助理/课程协调员: Ann Moore

学生可以灵活地满足他们的核心要求 通过修完生物学、化学、生态学、地理学、工程学、林业等课程, 环境研究和其他研究领域. 大学范围的通识教育要求 为学生提供完成艺术、人文学科课程的额外机会 以及社会科学,为个人和职业发展提供更广阔的背景.

Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 105 Survey Of Calc & Appl I G 4
APM 106 Survey Of Calc & Appl II 4
APM 391 Intro/Probability&Stats 3
EFB 101 Gen Bio I:Organismal Bio&Ecol G 3
EFB 102 普通生物学I实验室 G 1
EFB 103 Gen Bio II:Cell Bio & Genetics G 3
EFB 104 普通生物学II实验室 G 1
EFB 120 The Global Envirnmnt & Society G 3
EFB 320 General Ecology 4
ENS 132 Orientation Seminar:EnvSci 1
网赌平台 300 Intro/Geospatial Info Tech 3
EWP 190 Writing And The Envrnment G 3
EWP 290 Research Writing & Humanities G 3
EWP 407 Writing/Env & Sci Professionls 3
FCH 150 General Chemistry I G 3
FCH 151 General Chemistry I Lab G 1
FCH 152 General Chemistry II G 3
FCH 153 General Chemistry II Lab G 1
FOR 207 Introduction To Economics G 3
PHY 211 General Physics I G 3
PHY 212 General Physics II 3
PHY 221 普通物理I实验室 1
PHY 222 普通物理II实验室 1

Lower Division Electives

Course Codes* Credits
Free electives   12
& 公民参与,艺术,世界历史和全球意识,
World Languages
G 6
多元、公平、包容及社会正义通识教育课程 G 3

Environmental Science Core

学生必须完成以下环境科学的一门课程 core areas.

注:用于完成高级化学、生物或数学要求的课程; 环境科学的核心要求,或选项要求可能不被用于 满足以上一个要求.

The Physical Environment

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EAR 305 Earth Science of Energy 3
EAR 403 Geomorphology 3
ERE 380 Energy Systems Engineering 3
EST 231 Environmental Geology 3
FCH 210 Elements Of Organic Chem 4
FCH 221
FCH 222
Organic Chemistry 1

Organic Chemistry Lab 1

FCH 360 Physical Chemistry I 3
FOR 338 Meteorology G 3
FOR 340 Watershed Hydrology 3
FOR 345 Introduction to Soils 3
GNE 172 Statics and Dynamics 4

The Living Environment

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EFB 303 Intro Envrn Microbiology 4
EFB 326 Plant Evol,Diversificatn&Cons 3
EFB 327 Adirondack Flora 3
EFB 336 Dendrology I 3
EFB 342 Fungal Diversity & Ecology 3
EFB 345
EFB 351 Forest Entomology 3
EFB 355 Invertebrate Zoology 4
EFB 351 Forest Entomology 3
EFB 355 Invertebrate Zoology 4
EFB 384 Field Herpetology 3
EFB 388 Ecology/Adirondack Fishes 3
EFB 440 Mycology 3
EFB 462 Animal Physiol:Envrn&Ecol 4
EFB 483 Mammal Diversity 4
EFB 485 Herpetology 3
EFB 486 Ichthyology 3

The Social Environment

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EST 220 Urban Ecology 3
EFB 337 Field Ethnobotany 3
EST 361 History/Am Envrn Movement 3
EST 390 Social Processes & Envrn 3
EST 450 Sustainable Enterprise 3
EWP 390 Literature of Nature 3
FOR 465 Natural Resources Policy 3
FOR 487 环境法律及政策 3
FOR 489 Natural Resources Law & Policy 3


高级课程是至少有一个先决条件或编号为300或 above. 注:课程用于完成化学,生物或高级课程 数学要求可能不用于完成环境科学核心 or option requirements.

Required Courses

Course Codes* Credits


Option Area

学生必须完成至少15个学分,在下列选择领域之一 study. 用于完成高级化学、生物或数学要求的课程; environmental science core requirements; or upper division electives may not be used 以满足选项区的要求.


Course Number Course Codes * Credits
ERE 365 遥感原理 4
ERE 371 Surveying For Engineers 3
FOR 458 Advanced Topics in GIS 3
GEO 381 Cartographic Design 3
LSA 300
EFB 518
Digital Methods & Graphics I

Systms Ecology: Eco Mdlng&Dsgn



Course Number Course Codes * Credits
FOR 340 Watershed Hydrology 3
FOR 345 Introduction to Soils 3
FOR 442 Watershed Ecology & Management 3


Watershed Science

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EFB 423 Marine Ecology 4
EFB 424 湖沼学:研究内陆水域 3
EFB 486 Ichthyology 3
EFB 487 Fisheries Science & Mgt 3
EFB 542 Freshwater Wetland Ecosys 3
ERE 412 River Form and Process 3
ERE 508 Water-An Incredible Journey 3
FOR 338 Meteorology 3
GEO 316 River Environments 3
CEE 657 Biogeochemistry 3

注:CIE 657,生态生物地球化学,是雪城大学的高年级课程 course. Access by petition only; confer with your academic advisor.


Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EHS 250 Foundations/Envrn Health 2
EFB 400 Toxic Health Hazards 3
EFB 360 Epidemiology 3

Elective courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
EFB 303 Intro Envrn Microbiology 4
EFB 307 Principles Of Genetics 3
EFB 308 Prin Of Genetics Lab 1
EFB 325 Cell Biology 3
EFB 385 Comparative Vert Anatomy 4
EFB 453 Parasitology 3
EFB 462 Animal Physiol:Envrn&Ecol 4
EHS 320 Disease Prevention 3
EHS 350 环境健康管理 3
EHS 440 职业健康与安全 3
EHS 480 Hazardous Waste Management 3
ENS 470 环境风险评估 3
FST 102 Contemporary Food Issues 3

地球与大气系统科学 & Analysis 

(16 credits required)

Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
FCH 399 Intro/Atmospheric Sciences G 3
EFB 424 湖沼学:研究内陆水域 3
FOR 345 Introduction to Soils 3


Elective course

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 307 Multivariable Calculus 4
APM 485 Diff Equat/Engr&Scientist 3
APM 585 Part Diff Equat/Engrs&Scientst 3
CIE 457 Biogeochemistry 3
ERE 365 遥感原理 4
FCH 380 Analytical Chemistry I 2
FCH 381 Analytical Chemistry II 3
FCH 510 Environmental Chemistry I 3
FCH 511 Atmospheric Chemistry 3
FCH 515 Meth/Envrn Chem Analysis 3
MCR 480 Fundamentals of Microscopy 3

注意:在与选项区域协调员协商后,学生可以选择课程 除了上面列出的那些符合职业目标的.

Renewable Energy

(15 credits required)

Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
SRE 441
CME 305
Biomass Energy


SRE 325 Energy Systems 3
SRE 337 Energy Resource Assessment 3
SRE 479 Life Cycle Assessment 3


Elective Course

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
CME 305 可持续能源系统/建筑 3
ERE 380 Energy Systems Engineering 3
EST 427 Environmental &Energy Auditing 3
FCH 360 Physical Chemistry I 3
ECH 202 Prin Mass/Energy Balance 3
ECH 212 Engr Thermodynamics 3
SRE 422 能源市场与监管 3
SRE 416 Sustainable Energy Policy 3
SRE 454 Sustainble Energy Fin&Analysis 3
PHY 305

Upper Division Electives

Course Codes* Credits
Electives   15


完成环境科学课程的学生必须修满15个学分 高年级选修课程,以满足毕业要求.  Course taken to 满足高等数学/科学或选修领域也不能用来满足 高年级选修要求.

在学术顾问的指导下,学生可以设计自己的积木 of electives. 课程选择应支持学生的顶点研究,职业生涯 或高级学术研究目标. 或者,这个要求也可以被满足 通过选择一门正式的大学辅修. 以下是未成年人名单:

Undergraduate Minors

Senior Synthesis

Capstone Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
ENS 498 Resrch Prob/Envrn Science 1
ENS 498
ENS 420
Resrch Prob/Envrn Science

Internship in Env Science
专题的课程* 3
ENS 494 Capstone Seminar 1
ENS 498
ENS 420
Resrch Prob/Envrn Science

Internship in Env Science
1 - 5

1 - 5

NOTE: ENS 498和ENS 420是3个学分

*学生可以从项目导向的课程列表中选择完成他们的大四 synthesis requirement. 在与他们的导师协商后,学生也可以选择 除个别列出的课程外的课程. Acceptable courses include:

  • ENS 496可再生能源顶点研讨会
  • ENS 596国际跨学科城市生态系统设计
  • EFB 525湖沼学实习(学生需要注册额外的学分)
  • 网赌平台 496专题课程(必须与指导老师协商)
  • Other



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